Hello, I'm Amol, a DevOps Engineer who enjoys automation, continuous integration, and deployment. With extensive Hands-on experience in DevOps.
An Overview of Apache and Nginx for Beginners · Web servers are a crucial component of the internet infrastructure, responsible for delivering web...
OpenVPN is an open-source virtual private network (VPN) software that allows you to securely connect to a remote network over the internet. Setting up...
A Guide to Basic Concepts, Firewall Configuration, and Encryption Tools · Linux Security Linux has been a popular operating system for years, and with...
A Comprehensive Guide to Configuration, Troubleshooting, and Tools · If you’re a Linux user, you may already know that Linux has a lot of built-in...
Understanding, Navigating, Creating, Managing, and Securing · Understanding the Linux File System Linux is an open-source operating system that is widely...
In today's digital age, internet privacy and security have become a major concern. As more and more of our personal and sensitive information is...